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Thursday, December 17, 2009

December Update from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

E-Newsletter from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
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News From the Office of
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

New York families and businesses are struggling in this economy and Senator Gillibrand is working in a bipartisan way to provide emergency relief to people who need it most, create jobs and rebuild New York's economy.

Here's the latest:
Senator Gillibrand Hears from a Senior in Western New York
News You Need to Know

Heating Bills Too Expensive?
You May Be Eligible for Real Assistance

Temperatures are dropping and energy bills are rising.
Click here
to apply for the Home Energy Assistance Program.

Get the Gillibrand Guidebook
Senator Gillibrand has produced a guidebook to help families and businesses access assistance to help them heat and weatherize their homes. The guidebook also provides information for schools and businesses to help them become more energy efficient and save money on energy costs. Click here to get your own energy assistance guidebook.

Cutting Taxes to Help New Yorkers Afford Home Heating
Senator Gillibrand is introducing legislation to provide low interest loans of up to $5,000 and tax credits worth $1,000 for individuals and $2,000 for families to help cover energy costs this winter. Click here to learn more.

Senator Gillibrand Announces New Legislation with Leaders in New York City
Senator Gillibrand's Agenda for New York

Protecting Communities from Gun Violence
Senator Gillibrand and Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy of Long Island have developed a new federal measure to crack down on illegal gun trafficking and the criminal networks that bring illegal guns into New York communities. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, the Brady Campaign, Million Mom March and local leaders across New York are supporting their efforts. Read More.

Economic Recovery: Gillibrand Jobs Report

Getting New Yorkers Back to Work
Senator Gillibrand is working hard to help New Yorkers who are out of work and businesses that are ready to start hiring. She is pushing to cut taxes for businesses that create new jobs. Read more.

Helping Businesses Get Access to Credit
Too many businesses cannot hire because they cannot get access to credit. Senator Gillibrand is working to get small businesses in New York access to credit so that they can start growing again.

Extending Health Care Benefits
Senator Gillibrand is fighting to extend health care benefits for people who are out of work and looking. If you or someone you know is out of work and needs assistance, click here for more information.

Click Here for all the latest videos of Senator Gillibrand

Visit Senator Gillibrand's Web site to stay up to date on these legislative efforts and continue sending ideas, questions and concerns.

Albany/Capital District Office
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Syracuse/Central NY
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Room 1470
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Tel. (315) 448-0470
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Suite 2601
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Tel. (212) 688-6262
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Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel. (716) 854-9725
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Suite 250 North
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Tel. (631) 249-2825
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North Country Office
PO Box 273
Lowville, NY 13367
Tel. (315) 376-6118
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Office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Tel. (914) 725-9294
Fax (914) 472-5073
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478 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
Tel. (202) 224-4451
Fax (202) 228-0282

  Hudson Valley Office
PO Box 884
Nyack, NY 10960
Tel. (845) 875-4585
Fax (845) 875-9099

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November Update from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

E-Newsletter from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
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Senator Gillibrand Banner Click here to visit Senator Gillibrand's website. Click here to send this message to a friend! Click here to view this e-mail in your browser.
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If you would like to send a message to Senator Gillibrand, click here.

News From the Office of
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

New York families and businesses are struggling in this economy and Senator Gillibrand is working in a bipartisan way to provide emergency relief to people who need it most, create jobs and rebuild New York's economy.

Here's the latest:
News You Need to Know

Senator Gillibrand hears from Long Island residents while hosting Senate At Your Supermarket.
Extending Unemployment Benefits and Tax Breaks for First-Time Homebuyers

With millions of New Yorkers still struggling to find jobs, Senator Gillibrand helped extend unemployment benefits into 2010 for New Yorkers who were hit the hardest in this economic downturn.

To continue restoring confidence in our housing market and provide New York families with tax credits to help them buy a home, Senator Gillibrand helped extend the first-time homebuyer tax credit. Read more.

Senator Gillibrand's Agenda for New York

Senator Gillibrand with famous chef Rachael Ray
Improving Childhood Nutrition

Senator Gillibrand teamed up with famous chef Rachael Ray last month at P.S. 89/I.S. 289 in New York City to unveil a new, healthy lunch menu for New York City schoolchildren. New York City has been a model for improving the nutrition of food served at schools. Senator Gillibrand's legislative agenda would ensure schools across New York State can provide healthy food to our children every day. Read more.

Economic Recovery: Gillibrand Jobs Report

Providing Emergency Economic Relief for New York Seniors
More than 3.4 million seniors, veterans and people with disabilities in New York will not receive an annual cost of living adjustment from the Social Security Administration next year. Watch Senator Kirsten Gillibrand discuss her effort to provide these New Yorkers with $250 checks to help them during this difficult time. Read more.

Ensuring America's Competitiveness, Creating High-Tech Jobs
Last month, Senator Gillibrand launched her Innovation Agenda. Watch Senator Gillibrand discuss her plan to harness all of New York's unique potential to lead in the high-tech economy of the future by sparking new industries, attracting new businesses, creating thousands of new jobs for New York and restoring America's competitiveness in the high-tech global economy. Read more.

Helping Small Businesses Get New Loans
To help small businesses recover and create new jobs, Senator Gillibrand is pushing the Obama Administration to set aside approximately $40 billion of unused TARP funds to spur small business lending. Small businesses account for nearly two-thirds of all new jobs and are vital for our economic recovery.

Click Here for all the latest videos of Senator Gillibrand

Visit Senator Gillibrand's Web site to stay up to date on these legislative efforts and continue sending ideas, questions and concerns.

Albany/Capital District Office
Leo W. O'Brien Federal Office Building
1 Clinton Square, Room 821
Albany, NY 12207
Tel. (518) 431-0120
Fax (518) 431-0128
Rochester Office
Kenneth B. Keating
Federal Office Building
100 State Street
Room 4195
Rochester, NY 14614
Tel. (585) 263-6250
Fax (585) 263-6247
Syracuse/Central NY
James M. Hanley Federal Building
100 South Clinton Street
Room 1470
PO Box 7378
Syracuse, NY 13261
Tel. (315) 448-0470
Fax (315) 448-0476

New York City Office
780 Third Avenue
Suite 2601
New York, New York 10017
Tel. (212) 688-6262
Fax (212) 688-7444
Buffalo Office
Larkin At Exchange
726 Exchange Street, Suite 511
Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel. (716) 854-9725
Fax (716) 854-9731
Long Island Office
155 Pinelawn Road
Suite 250 North
Melville, NY 11747
Tel. (631) 249-2825
Fax (631) 249-2847

North Country Office
PO Box 273
Lowville, NY 13367
Tel. (315) 376-6118
Westchester Office
Office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Tel. (914) 725-9294
Fax (914) 472-5073
Washington, DC Office
478 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
Tel. (202) 224-4451
Fax (202) 228-0282

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Message From Congressman Arcuri on Passage of Health Care Reform Bill

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Congressman Mike Arcuri e-Newsletter
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Ms. Robinson,

 When I first ran for Congress in 2006, I promised the people of the 24th Congressional District that I would work to reform our nation's health care system. It's been my goal to pass a bill that lowers costs for everyone who already has health insurance. At the same time, I've long recognized the need to pass a bill that provides the millions of uninsured Americans, including more than 139,000 uninsured individuals living in the 24th Congressional District, an opportunity to purchase quality, affordable health insurance.

When an attempt was made to rush a health care bill to a vote back in July, I stood up and said that we were moving too quickly and I would vote against any health care bill until I had a chance to talk face-to-face with my constituents about their health care reform priorities. Since August, I was a part of nearly 30 public forums, including 10 town hall meetings, across the district. I also held countless one-on-one meetings with health care professionals, small business owners and concerned citizens to hear their stories and to learn more about how the skyrocketing costs of health care are plaguing the finances of working families and damaging our local economy.

When I went back to Washington, I fought non-stop to change the original bill based on the needs and priorities of the people and small businesses I'm privileged to represent in Congress.

On Saturday, November 7, 2009, I voted in favor of the Affordable Healthcare for America Act (H.R. 3962), which passed the House of Representatives with bi-partisan support by a vote of 220-215. After reading the bill very carefully, my decision to support its passage was based, in part, on the inclusion of 10 vital provisions, which include:

Click Here to Listen to Congressman Arcuri Discuss His Vote in Support of H.R. 3962

1. Prohibits discrimination by health insurance companies based on pre-existing conditions. No one can be denied coverage or charged outrageous rates because of past medical circumstances;

2. Allows parents to keep their children or dependents on their health insurance until the age of 27;

3. Caps annual out-of-pocket medical expenses, providing financial security for working families and small businesses;

4. Provides much needed choice, with a public health insurance option competing with private insurers, so that individuals, families and small businesses without health insurance can finally afford to buy it;

5. Closes the Medicare Part D prescription drug 'Donut Hole' and allows Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices to lower health care costs for seniors;

6. Creates competition in the private health insurance industry to lower costs for small business owners who provide health benefits for their employees, allowing them to invest in their businesses and create jobs;

7. Cuts out waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare, which according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) will cut the deficit by $30 billion;

8. Creates incentives for health wellness and prevention programs, lowering health care costs for people who choose to lead healthier lifestyles;

9. Protects working families and small business owners by not taxing high-quality, private health insurance benefits; and,

10. Allows for the sale of insurance across state lines, encouraging competition that will reduce costs.

There is a lot of false information floating around about what this health care legislation does. To be clear, the health care bill I voted for will not increase the federal deficit, will not allow for taxpayer funds to be used for abortion, will not provide heath benefits to illegal immigrants and will not cut Medicare benefits.

I encourage you to take some time to look at the health care reform legislation, which can be found by following the link below:


Congressman Michael Arcuri's signature
Member of Congress

Washington, DC Office 127 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 ph: (202) 225-3665
Utica, NY Office 10 Broad Street, Room 200, Utica, NY 13501 ph: (315) 793-8146/8147 (800) 235-2525
Auburn, NY Office 17 E. Genesee Street, Auburn, NY, 13021 ph: (315) 252-2777/2778
Cortland, NY Office 16 Church Street, Carriage House Right, Cortland, NY, 13045 ph: (607)-756-2470

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Message From Congressman Arcuri on Health Care Reform

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Ms. Robinson,

On Thursday, October 29, 2009 Congress introduced a bill that would provide the most sweeping health care reform in our nation in the last forty years. Leadership in the House of Representatives have kept their promise to the American people that they would allow at least 72 hours between when the bill was introduced and when the bill will be voted on.

As promised, I will be reading this bill very carefully and taking into account all of the comments shared during my eight health care town hall meetings across New York's 24th Congressional District and the thousands of calls and letters I have received voicing your hopes and concerns.

I, like, you understand this is not about just passing a health care bill; it is about passing the best possible health care bill-one that ensures all of our families have health care coverage while also being fiscally responsible with our spending.

As we debate reforming our nation's health care system, more and more, we're hearing stories about fraudulent schemes to rob the federal government of Medicare and Medicaid dollars.

 Watch The Video For
"The 60 Billion Dollar Fraud"

Just this last Sunday, a segment on the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes" zeroed in on the high number of fraud cases throughout the country suspected of robbing the Medicare and Medicaid system of hundreds of millions of dollars. That same day, the Albany Times Union ran a story about a federal investigation into possible Medicaid fraud at the New York State Health Department and the Research Foundation at the State University of New York.

It's clear that Congress needs to act to ensure these systems are safe and secure for those that need them.

That's why I continue to fight for the passage of the IMPROVE Act, a bill I introduced back in July with Congressman Patrick Murphy (PA-8) and Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). The IMPROVE Act would close loopholes used by fraud artists to gain access to personal information and Medicare and Medicaid checks by requiring that providers and suppliers are reimbursed via electronic deposit at an FDIC-approved bank or credit union.

Under the current reimbursement system, criminals are able to siphon billions from the Medicare and Medicaid programs by cashing reimbursement checks for fraudulent services at check cashing stores. These stores, which rarely check IDs, verify Social Security numbers, or make other efforts to ensure the legitimacy of a transaction, both fail to prevent fraudulent billing and make it difficult to track down the perpetrators after payment has gone out.

Medicare fraud drains $60 billion in taxpayer money every year. Improved personal verification and identification requirements at FDIC-approved banks and credit unions will make it harder for scammers to commit fraud and disappear without a trace, effectively closing the check-cashing laundering loophole that now exists. The IMPROVE Act has been endorsed by the AARP and the National District Attorneys Association.

If you would like to learn how to protect yourself or to report suspected fraud, waste or abuse of Medicare or Medicaid, please contact:

U.S. Inspector General
NYS Medicare Inspector General
1-877-87 FRAUD

Congressman Michael Arcuri's signature
     Member of Congress

Washington, DC Office 127 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 ph: (202) 225-3665
Utica, NY Office 10 Broad Street, Room 200, Utica, NY 13501 ph: (315) 793-8146/8147 (800) 235-2525
Auburn, NY Office 17 E. Genesee Street, Auburn, NY, 13021 ph: (315) 252-2777/2778
Cortland, NY Office 16 Church Street, Carriage House Right, Cortland, NY, 13045 ph: (607)-756-2470

If you wish to contact me, please do so at Please do NOT reply to this message.

If you do not wish to receive future emails from Congressman Mike Arcuri, unsubscribe here.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Re: Responding to your message


October 20, 2009




Dear Ms. Robinson,


Thank you for contacting me to express your support for increased access to high-speed internet in the United States.  I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with me, and I'm glad we agree on this important issue. 


Broadband is no longer a luxury - our ability to compete in the global economy depends on widespread, affordable high-speed Internet accessAs your Congressional representative, I am committed to ensuring that residents and businesses in Upstate New York have access to broadband. That is why I was proud to support the inclusion of $7 billion for broadband expansion in H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  This stimulus funding will help bring rural areas into the digital age, allow communities like ours to grow their economies, and create jobs through the building and maintenance of broadband networks.  


As the federal government moves forward with disbursing stimulus money, I will continue to fight to ensure that Upstate New York receives its fair share of broadband dollars. Most recently, I signed the attached letter to the Secretaries of Agriculture and Commerce, who have jurisdiction over federal broadband programs, urging them to clarify and streamline regulations to ensure funding reaches our region.  Universal high-speed internet access is critical to revitalizing the Upstate economy, and I will fight to ensure our region receives every federal broadband dollar available


Thank you again for contacting me. Rest assured that I will continue to keep your thoughts in mind as Congress works to bring broadband to rural areas. To receive updates on my work in New York and Washington, visit to sign up for my monthly e-newsletter. Please do not hesitate to let me know if I can be of further assistance with this or any other matter.  




Michael A. Arcuri

Member of Congress

A boar is often held by a not so large dog.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
~Groucho Marx

Friday, October 9, 2009

Re: Universal Broadband for Otsego County

Kathy Clark wrote:
> Hi Rachel,
> Thanks for sharing your opinion with me. Our committee has been busy
> this year working to prepare the application for stimulus funding that
> would allow us to build an open access fiber optic ring around
> throughout the county. If we are awarded the funding and the board
> members subsequently back the resolution to construct the ring it is
> our intention to provide middle mile services throughtout the county.
> The fiber optic backbone will establish a telecommunications
> foundation by which all service providers, including CLECs and
> wireless Internet Service Providers can develop and provide services
> on an equitable and cost effective basis. Broadband service providers
> stated that if the County built fiber, they will provide last mile
> broadband solutions over the fiber. The lower back haul costs of the
> County's fiber will equate to more profitable revenue streams for
> these companies and make these services more affordable for our
> residents.
> I suggest that you might also want to voice your support for this
> initiative by writing a letter to the county board. These letters
> become part of the public record. I believe that broadband has the
> potential to allow many people to "telecommute" to jobs in larger
> cities while living amidst the beautiful surroundings of Otsego county
> as well as bring many other services to the all areas of the county.
> It could be a win -win situation by providing firms in urban areas
> with a more economical labor force while at the same time bringing
> better paying job opportunities to the residents of this county. As a
> transplanted Long Islander who appreciates this county's many assets I
> will continue to seek opportunites to promote investments in
> technology that will increase job opportunitiesand enhance the
> economic viability of the residents of this county.
> Thanks for taking time to share your insights and concerns,
> Kathy Clark
> County Rep. District #3

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Message From Congressman Arcuri on Veterans' Health Legislation

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Ms. Robinson,

Throughout my work in Congress, I have never once forgotten that this nation owes its strong history and promising future to the work and commitment of our brave servicemen and women. In return for the sacrifices and life-and-death struggles they endure everyday, our government must at least ensure that our veterans receive excellent care and transition assistance at their homecoming. Our veterans have made protecting American lives and interests their first priority. It is only fitting that we, in turn, make their well-being a national priority.

Recently, I testified before the House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Health in support of legislation I have sponsored, H.R. 3441, that would automatically enroll veterans already eligible for free five-year health care in the VA medical system within 45 days of leaving the Armed Services. Unfortunately, we still have a system that doesn't sufficiently reach all soldiers. It currently requires soldiers who have just returned from war to navigate the bureaucracy of signing up for veterans' benefits. Dealing with returning to their "normal" lives presents its own challenges following their return. We shouldn't place another burden on our veterans by requiring them to jump through unnecessary hoops to get the care they deserve and may need.

The idea for this important legislation came about after discussing the issue at a recent meeting of my Veterans Advisory Committee. It has been endorsed by the American Legion and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), and has the support of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Filner.

H.R. 3411 does the following:

• Automatically enrolls veterans who are already eligible for free VA health care (veterans who served in a combat theater of operations after November 11, 1998);

• Requires the Defense Department and Department of Veterans Affairs to work together to most effectively achieve a seamless transition for returning soldiers;

• Issues a standard VA veterans' identification card (VIC) to enrolled veterans and provides a listing of VA medical facilities within 100 miles of the veteran, as well as a description of federal veterans benefits and programs (educational benefits, job training, and placement programs) for which the veteran may be eligible; and,

• Provides two opt-out opportunities – one at the time of separation, and another six months after separation – if the veteran prefers another form of health coverage in order to preserve an individual's right to choose his/her health plan.

Watch Congressman Arcuri's testimony on H.R. 3411 before the House Veteran's Affairs Subcommittee on Health.  

Last year, I joined a bi-partisan coalition in Congress to pass legislation that expanded GI Bill benefits for veterans and their families. This historic legislation restored full, four-year college scholarships to veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to help make them part of an economic recovery like the veterans of World War II.

Since enrollment opened on May 1, 2009, more than 27,500 students have received benefits for housing or books, or their schools have received their tuition payments. Although the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been working to get every enrolled veteran their benefits, many of them have not received them to date because of a backlog in the VA's enrollment system.

In response, the VA has authorized emergency checks for up to $3,000 to be sent to veterans to bridge the gap between the start of the school year and their enrollment into the education benefits program.

Starting Friday, Oct. 2, 2009, students can go to one of VA's 57 regional benefit offices with a photo ID and a course schedule to request advance payment of their education benefits. Because not all these offices are located near students, VA expects to send representatives to schools with large Veteran-student bodies and work with Veteran Service Organizations to help students with transportation needs.

A list of those VA regional offices is available at

Additionally, my office can serve as a primary resource for returning veterans. If you have questions about federal benefits, or are experiencing trouble receiving them, please contact my Utica, NY Office at 315-793-8146 or click here for information on how to submit constituent casework to our office.


Congressman Michael Arcuri's signature
Member of Congress

Washington, DC Office 127 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 ph: (202) 225-3665
Utica, NY Office 10 Broad Street, Room 330, Utica, NY 13501 ph: (315) 793-8146/8147 (800) 235-2525
Auburn, NY Office 17 E. Genesee Street, Auburn, NY, 13021 ph: (315) 252-2777/2778
Cortland, NY Office 16 Church Street, Carriage House Right, Cortland, NY, 13045 ph: (607)-756-2470

If you wish to contact me, please do so at Please do NOT reply to this message.

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