I am writing to you because you are the chair of the Otsego County
Legislature's Telecommunications committee.
I live 4 miles out of Richfield Springs and I am supposed to work from
home. I do not receive wired broadband internet service in my home, so
I rent office space in town. Lately the issue of rural broadband
availability has become very important to me because I am concerned that
the small area of Richfield Springs/Springfield that does not receive
wired broadband will be overlooked when and if the county begins it's
universal broadband installation. I am even more concerned that my area
will be neglected because we receive Verizon Wireless service, and are
capable of getting wireless broadband internet. Unfortunately I cannot
viably perform my job using wireless broadband, and Verizon Wireless
imposes a cap on how much information I'm allowed to transfer every month.
I've been reading news articles that insinuate universal broadband will
decrease jobs instead of increase them. I have also read that one of
the Otsego County representatives wanted to hold off on applying for
stimulus funds for fiber optic cable, believing that wireless services
will render it obsolete. I would argue both of these ideas. Universal
broadband access would allow metropolitan corporations to out-source a
portion of their office work, not to another country, but to upstate
residents. My father and I both work from home for companies in New
York City. The reasonable cost of upstate living makes it
cost-efficient for a company to offer us lower salaries than our
city-dwelling counterparts.
As far as wireless technologies are concerned, it is unlikely that any
local wireless service will ever offer unlimited internet access until a
wired internet competitor enters their territory and makes it a
necessity. The upload and download speeds available to wireless users
currently can not match the efficiency of fiber optic based services.
Verizon Wireless is aware that it is currently the rural users only
option. Wireless companies are for-profit organizations that will only
be compelled to make high priced expansions when they are threatened
with loss of revenues.
I have begun noting when the telecommunications committee and full
legislature are scheduled to meet. Please let me know if there is
anything I can do to make my situation known, or to support the county's
work towards universal broadband access.
If you don't feel that this message is entirely pertinent to you, please
feel free to forward it to any persons to whom it may apply.
Thank you for your time,
Rachel Robinson
Richfield Springs, NY 13439