Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November Update from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

E-Newsletter from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
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News From the Office of
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

New York families and businesses are struggling in this economy and Senator Gillibrand is working in a bipartisan way to provide emergency relief to people who need it most, create jobs and rebuild New York's economy.

Here's the latest:
News You Need to Know

Senator Gillibrand hears from Long Island residents while hosting Senate At Your Supermarket.
Extending Unemployment Benefits and Tax Breaks for First-Time Homebuyers

With millions of New Yorkers still struggling to find jobs, Senator Gillibrand helped extend unemployment benefits into 2010 for New Yorkers who were hit the hardest in this economic downturn.

To continue restoring confidence in our housing market and provide New York families with tax credits to help them buy a home, Senator Gillibrand helped extend the first-time homebuyer tax credit. Read more.

Senator Gillibrand's Agenda for New York

Senator Gillibrand with famous chef Rachael Ray
Improving Childhood Nutrition

Senator Gillibrand teamed up with famous chef Rachael Ray last month at P.S. 89/I.S. 289 in New York City to unveil a new, healthy lunch menu for New York City schoolchildren. New York City has been a model for improving the nutrition of food served at schools. Senator Gillibrand's legislative agenda would ensure schools across New York State can provide healthy food to our children every day. Read more.

Economic Recovery: Gillibrand Jobs Report

Providing Emergency Economic Relief for New York Seniors
More than 3.4 million seniors, veterans and people with disabilities in New York will not receive an annual cost of living adjustment from the Social Security Administration next year. Watch Senator Kirsten Gillibrand discuss her effort to provide these New Yorkers with $250 checks to help them during this difficult time. Read more.

Ensuring America's Competitiveness, Creating High-Tech Jobs
Last month, Senator Gillibrand launched her Innovation Agenda. Watch Senator Gillibrand discuss her plan to harness all of New York's unique potential to lead in the high-tech economy of the future by sparking new industries, attracting new businesses, creating thousands of new jobs for New York and restoring America's competitiveness in the high-tech global economy. Read more.

Helping Small Businesses Get New Loans
To help small businesses recover and create new jobs, Senator Gillibrand is pushing the Obama Administration to set aside approximately $40 billion of unused TARP funds to spur small business lending. Small businesses account for nearly two-thirds of all new jobs and are vital for our economic recovery.

Click Here for all the latest videos of Senator Gillibrand

Visit Senator Gillibrand's Web site to stay up to date on these legislative efforts and continue sending ideas, questions and concerns.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Message From Congressman Arcuri on Passage of Health Care Reform Bill

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Congressman Mike Arcuri e-Newsletter
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Ms. Robinson,

 When I first ran for Congress in 2006, I promised the people of the 24th Congressional District that I would work to reform our nation's health care system. It's been my goal to pass a bill that lowers costs for everyone who already has health insurance. At the same time, I've long recognized the need to pass a bill that provides the millions of uninsured Americans, including more than 139,000 uninsured individuals living in the 24th Congressional District, an opportunity to purchase quality, affordable health insurance.

When an attempt was made to rush a health care bill to a vote back in July, I stood up and said that we were moving too quickly and I would vote against any health care bill until I had a chance to talk face-to-face with my constituents about their health care reform priorities. Since August, I was a part of nearly 30 public forums, including 10 town hall meetings, across the district. I also held countless one-on-one meetings with health care professionals, small business owners and concerned citizens to hear their stories and to learn more about how the skyrocketing costs of health care are plaguing the finances of working families and damaging our local economy.

When I went back to Washington, I fought non-stop to change the original bill based on the needs and priorities of the people and small businesses I'm privileged to represent in Congress.

On Saturday, November 7, 2009, I voted in favor of the Affordable Healthcare for America Act (H.R. 3962), which passed the House of Representatives with bi-partisan support by a vote of 220-215. After reading the bill very carefully, my decision to support its passage was based, in part, on the inclusion of 10 vital provisions, which include:

Click Here to Listen to Congressman Arcuri Discuss His Vote in Support of H.R. 3962

1. Prohibits discrimination by health insurance companies based on pre-existing conditions. No one can be denied coverage or charged outrageous rates because of past medical circumstances;

2. Allows parents to keep their children or dependents on their health insurance until the age of 27;

3. Caps annual out-of-pocket medical expenses, providing financial security for working families and small businesses;

4. Provides much needed choice, with a public health insurance option competing with private insurers, so that individuals, families and small businesses without health insurance can finally afford to buy it;

5. Closes the Medicare Part D prescription drug 'Donut Hole' and allows Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices to lower health care costs for seniors;

6. Creates competition in the private health insurance industry to lower costs for small business owners who provide health benefits for their employees, allowing them to invest in their businesses and create jobs;

7. Cuts out waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare, which according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) will cut the deficit by $30 billion;

8. Creates incentives for health wellness and prevention programs, lowering health care costs for people who choose to lead healthier lifestyles;

9. Protects working families and small business owners by not taxing high-quality, private health insurance benefits; and,

10. Allows for the sale of insurance across state lines, encouraging competition that will reduce costs.

There is a lot of false information floating around about what this health care legislation does. To be clear, the health care bill I voted for will not increase the federal deficit, will not allow for taxpayer funds to be used for abortion, will not provide heath benefits to illegal immigrants and will not cut Medicare benefits.

I encourage you to take some time to look at the health care reform legislation, which can be found by following the link below:


Congressman Michael Arcuri's signature
Member of Congress

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