Friday, February 19, 2010

News from Senator Gillibrand: Get the Most from Your Tax Return

E-Newsletter from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
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News From the Office of
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

New York families and businesses are struggling in this economy and Senator Gillibrand is working in a bipartisan way to provide emergency relief to people who need it most, create jobs and rebuild New York's economy.

Here's the latest:
News You Need to Know

Senator Gillibrand meets with ShopRite workers during "Senate At Your Supermarket" in Staten Island.
Senator Gillibrand, City Council Member Gale Brewer hear from constituents at Fairway Market in Manhattan.
It's Tax Season. Get All Your Deductions to Maximize Your Federal Refund
From the Property Tax Deduction and the First Time Homebuyer tax credit, to the Making Work Pay tax credit, Child Care and Tuition tax credits, Senator Gillibrand has fought for a number of new ways for middle class New Yorkers to keep more of what we earn. Click here to make sure you're taking advantage of all credits available to you.

Keep Warm During Winter Blizzards. Apply for Home Heating Assistance

Senator Gillibrand helped secure millions of federal dollars to help New Yorkers stay warm this winter. If you are having financial trouble paying your home heating bill, then make sure to check and see if you are eligible for assistance.

Economic Recovery: Gillibrand Jobs Report

Senator Gillibrand hears from constituents during a "Senate At Your Supermarket" at ShopRite in Staten Island.
Creating Clean Energy Jobs, Cutting Energy Costs
New York is already home to 75,000 clean energy jobs building and installing solar panels. Senator Gillibrand is working to make sure New York leads in the new energy economy by authoring new legislation to create more clean energy jobs right here in New York – rebuilding our economy while cutting our energy costs. Read more.

Helping New York's Middle Class Plan for Retirement
Over 5 million New Yorkers are headed for retirement over the next 20 years – more than a quarter of our entire population. After the financial crisis cost us trillions from our retirement plans, Senator Gillibrand has a plan to help middle class New Yorkers stay on track for the retirement we deserve.

Senator Gillibrand's Agenda For New York

Ending Childhood Obesity with First Lady Michelle Obama

Soaring obesity rates are holding our children and our country back. Senator Gillibrand is joining with First Lady Michelle Obama to launch a national effort to keep our children healthy and on a path to a bright future. Read more.

Strengthening America's Military by Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
America's Armed Services have lost over 13,500 brave men and women, including thousands in mission critical areas, because of the discriminatory, harmful "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. WATCH Senator Gillibrand lead the charge with President Obama and top Department of Defense officials to repeal this policy that threatens our national security and wastes hundreds of millions in our Defense budget.

Click Here to watch this video and others from the Senator.

Visit Senator Gillibrand's Web site to stay up to date on these legislative efforts and continue sending ideas, questions and concerns.

Albany/Capital District Office
Leo W. O'Brien Federal Office Building
1 Clinton Square, Room 821
Albany, NY 12207
Tel. (518) 431-0120
Fax (518) 431-0128
Rochester Office
Kenneth B. Keating
Federal Office Building
100 State Street
Room 4195
Rochester, NY 14614
Tel. (585) 263-6250
Fax (585) 263-6247
Syracuse/Central NY
James M. Hanley Federal Building
100 South Clinton Street
Room 1470
PO Box 7378
Syracuse, NY 13261
Tel. (315) 448-0470
Fax (315) 448-0476

New York City Office
780 Third Avenue
Suite 2601
New York, New York 10017
Tel. (212) 688-6262
Fax (212) 688-7444
Buffalo Office
Larkin At Exchange
726 Exchange Street, Suite 511
Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel. (716) 854-9725
Fax (716) 854-9731
Long Island Office
155 Pinelawn Road
Suite 250 North
Melville, NY 11747
Tel. (631) 249-2825
Fax (631) 249-2847

North Country Office
PO Box 273
Lowville, NY 13367
Tel. (315) 376-6118
Westchester Office
Office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Tel. (914) 725-9294
Fax (914) 472-5073
Washington, DC Office
478 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
Tel. (202) 224-4451
Fax (202) 228-0282

  Hudson Valley Office
PO Box 884
Nyack, NY 10960
Tel. (845) 875-4585
Fax (845) 875-9099

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Message From Congressman Arcuri on Cybersecurity

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Congressman Mike Arcuri e-Newsletter
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Ms. Robinson,

The threat of cyber warfare cannot be over stated. Media reports of new attacks by cyber criminals are becoming more frequent and alarming. Cyber attacks target everything from classified government information, to business and trade secrets, to individual financial records.

The most troubling cyber threat, however, may be the very real prospect of state-sponsored attacks against sensitive national security information. Cyber experts believe China is effectively targeting our government networks, resulting in at least one breach of Lockheed Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter development program, and concerns are growing over allegations of breaching the cyber security of the United States internet company Google to obtain information on individuals through their email accounts. When you consider nearly every aspect of our lives in a global society is dependent on the security of our cyber networks, simply maintaining the status quo will not be enough. 

I recently led the passage of the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act (H.R. 4061) in the House of Representatives, which reauthorizes and expands critical programs that will not only strengthen our nation's cybersecurity but also lead to job creation in Upstate New York.

Arcuri speaking on the House Floor about the importance of the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act in protecting our nation against cyber attack.

First, this legislation creates the Scholarship-for-Service program through the National Science Foundation (NSF), which will provide grants to colleges and universities for the award of scholarships to students pursuing degrees in cybersecurity fields. Programs such as Utica College's Bachelors of Science Degree in Cybersecurity are at the forefront of this effort; this program currently graduates about 50 students per year. The federal government estimates it will need to recruit between 500 and 1,000 professionals each year in the area of cybersecurity in order to address the mounting threats we face.

Another key to this legislation is strengthening the partnership between the federal government and the private sector to guarantee a secure and reliable infrastructure by requiring the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to convene a taskforce of businesses and universities to explore potential public-private collaborations on cybersecurity research and development. The benefit of existing public-private partnerships is on display in Upstate New York. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in Rome known as Rome Lab, hosts the main offices of the AFRL's Information Directorate. Employees at Rome Lab use the latest electronic and computer technology to demonstrate new ways to defend our information networks against attacks.

Arcuri discusses the benefits of strengthening partnerships between the federal government and the private sector to guarantee a secure and reliable infrastructure free from cyber attack.


The 24th Congressional District is also home to a number of companies that are engaged in cutting-edge cyber research.  Large companies such as PAR Technology, BAE Systems, ITT Industries, Northrop Grumman, Black River Systems and Assured Information Security are working with Rome Lab to fend off cyber attacks.

The Cybersecurity Enhancement Act received the support of numerous organizations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Software Alliance, Software and Information Industry Association, National Cable and Telecommunications Association, U.S. Telecom, TechAmerica, and Computing Research Association. Additionally, local companies Assured Information Security, Inc, ITT Corporation Information Systems and PAR Government Systems Corporation in Rome, NY issued statements explaining what this legislation means as a benefit to their companies and the critical role Upstate New York plays in our nation's cybersecurity.

Click on the links below to see what a few local companies had to say about passage of the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act. 

 Assured Information Systems
 ITT Corporate Information Systems
 PAR Government Systems

Thank you for taking to time to read about this important piece of legislation.   If you have any questions or comments about this or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact one of my offices. 

Congressman Michael Arcuri's signature
      Member of Congress

Washington, DC Office 127 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 ph: (202) 225-3665
Utica, NY Office 10 Broad Street, Room 330, Utica, NY 13501 ph: (315) 793-8146
Auburn, NY Office 17 E. Genesee Street, Auburn, NY, 13021 ph: (315) 252-2777/2778
Cortland, NY Office 16 Church Street, Carriage House Right, Cortland, NY, 13045 ph: (607)-756-2470

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Monday, February 1, 2010

New Year Update from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

E-Newsletter from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
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News From the Office of
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

New York families and businesses are struggling in this economy and Senator Gillibrand is working in a bipartisan way to provide emergency relief to people who need it most, create jobs and rebuild New York's economy.

Here's the latest:
News You Need to Know

Haiti Devastated by Earthquakes. Here's How You Can Help
Families in Haiti are in desperate need of help. In addition to donating to other charities, you can also send help here.

Senators Gillibrand and Menendez, Councilwoman
Letitia James join together in NYC to keep Haitian families together and expedite adoptions.
Tax Breaks for Donations to Haiti

Senator Gillibrand worked with Senator Schumer to pass legislation to provide Americans who donate to the people of Haiti a tax deduction this year, encouraging more Americans to give to the relief effort now. Read More.

Keeping Haitian Families Together
Senator Gillibrand is working with Congress, the State Department and Homeland Security to help unite Haitian children with their adoptive parents, make orphanages in Haiti a top priority in all relief efforts, and make sure that Haitian-American families are not split apart during evacuation. Read More.

Granting Temporary Protected Status
for Haitians in America

Senator Gillibrand led the effort to grant Temporary Protected Status for Haitians living in America – so they may continue living and working here without fear of having to immediately return to a country ravaged with devastation. Click here for more information.

Senator Gillibrand, Congresswoman Maloney, NYC
Comptroller Liu announce new job
creation tax cut in Queens.
Economic Recovery: Gillibrand Jobs Report

Cutting Taxes for Businesses to Create Jobs
Senator Gillibrand joined with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and New York City Comptroller John Liu to introduce new legislation to cut taxes for businesses when they create new jobs to put New Yorkers back to work starting right now. Read More.

Spurring Small Business Lending at Credit Unions
Small businesses are the biggest job creators we have. But too many cannot get access to credit. Senator Gillibrand introduced legislation to increase lending from local credit unions. Click here to see how many jobs Senator Gillibrand's bill could create.

Senator Gillibrand tours Lockheed Martin's facility in Owego.
Retraining Workers for New Clean Energy Jobs

The Recovery Act is putting New Yorkers back to work. In Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse, new investments are available to retrain workers with new skills for new jobs in the clean energy economy.

Keeping Businesses and Jobs in New York
New York has lost more than its fair share of businesses and jobs. Senator Gillibrand is working to keep them here – making a personal pitch to National Grid USA to keep jobs in New York where they belong, instead of outsourcing or subcontracting the utility's jobs. Read more.
Senator Gillibrand's Agenda For New York

Improving Safety Standards for School Meals

After disturbing news reports about the poor quality and safety of food served at schools across America, Senator Gillibrand is calling for strict testing for school meals.

Standing Up for New York's Farm Families
As the Administration moves forward on potential new trade deals, Senator Gillibrand is standing up for New York's dairy farms to make sure we don't outsource our dairy needs overseas.

Improving President Obama's Health Care Legislation
Senator Gillibrand is working to improve the President's health care bill by securing millions more for New York. She led the fight in the Senate to defeat the Stupak Amendment, which would have severely rolled back women's reproductive rights.

Visit Senator Gillibrand's Web site to stay up to date on these legislative efforts and continue sending ideas, questions and concerns.

Albany/Capital District Office
Leo W. O'Brien Federal Office Building
1 Clinton Square, Room 821
Albany, NY 12207
Tel. (518) 431-0120
Fax (518) 431-0128
Rochester Office
Kenneth B. Keating
Federal Office Building
100 State Street
Room 4195
Rochester, NY 14614
Tel. (585) 263-6250
Fax (585) 263-6247
Syracuse/Central NY
James M. Hanley Federal Building
100 South Clinton Street
Room 1470
PO Box 7378
Syracuse, NY 13261
Tel. (315) 448-0470
Fax (315) 448-0476

New York City Office
780 Third Avenue
Suite 2601
New York, New York 10017
Tel. (212) 688-6262
Fax (212) 688-7444
Buffalo Office
Larkin At Exchange
726 Exchange Street, Suite 511
Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel. (716) 854-9725
Fax (716) 854-9731
Long Island Office
155 Pinelawn Road
Suite 250 North
Melville, NY 11747
Tel. (631) 249-2825
Fax (631) 249-2847

North Country Office
PO Box 273
Lowville, NY 13367
Tel. (315) 376-6118
Westchester Office
Office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Tel. (914) 725-9294
Fax (914) 472-5073
Washington, DC Office
478 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
Tel. (202) 224-4451
Fax (202) 228-0282

  Hudson Valley Office
PO Box 884
Nyack, NY 10960
Tel. (845) 875-4585
Fax (845) 875-9099