Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Encouraging Entrepreneurship, Improving Community and Food Safety, Addressing Needs of Underrepresented Communities

June 21, 2011

We are still in the midst of one of the most difficult economic times in America’s history. Too many New Yorkers are struggling to find a good-paying job, keep the job they already have, and pay their bills. U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand knows that government doesn’t create jobs, people do. That is why she is committed to fighting to change the culture in Washington to help foster entrepreneurial opportunity right here in New York State. 

Here is the latest on some of the Senator’s most recent activities:   

Fostering Entrepreneurship and Growth of Small Businesses

While small businesses serve as the economy’s biggest job creator, responsible for half of all private sector jobs, they are struggling to grow in this tough economy. To help kickstart the backbone of our economy, Senator Gillibrand is working to give entrepreneurs access to the capital needed to start more small businesses and create jobs in New York. Her plan focuses on directing more early capital to business start-ups, tax-free savings accounts for entrepreneurs, and tax credits to leverage private investment in new businessesRead more


Improving Communications Systems For Our First Responders


New Yorkers know better than anyone the constant threats that our country faces. Since the 9/11 attacks and recovery, our country, states and communities have taken major steps to increase our security and preparedness. But as a nation, we remain severely limited in our capability to communicate across all levels of government and among different regional first responders in the event of an emergency situation. In fact, any teenager with a smart phone can share more information than our emergency responders can. To help bring first responder technology into the 21st century, Senator Gillibrand is leading a bipartisan effort to pass the Public Safety Spectrum and Wireless Innovation Act. Read more.

Senators Gillibrand Meets with New York First Responders to Discuss her Efforts to Increase Interoperable Communications Systems

Keeping Our Food Safe for Families 


The recent E. coli outbreak in Europe is a stark reminder of some of the vulnerabilities in our food safety laws here at home. Across New York, approximately 3.2 million people are infected with a food-borne illness each year, according to estimates based on Centers for Disease Control data. After successfully passing her Consumer Recall Notification Act last Congress, Senator Gillibrand is now pushing for new legislation that would help protect the food we eat from E. Coli and other deadly contaminants. Read more 



Addressing the Needs of Our Underrepresented Communities 

The unemployment rate for African-Americans is over six percentage points higher than the overall unemployment rate, and a growing number of African-American families are turning to faith-based organizations for support. For a second straight year, Senator Gillibrand convened a legislative summit in Washington, DC of African-American faith-based leaders from across the state designed to introduce them to federal government officialsbusiness and non-profit leaders and to help New York’s faith-based organizations navigate the new budget realities. Video of the event available here. Click here for more information. Senator Gillibrand also announced the Urban Jobs Act, which focuses on increasing employment among at-risk youth. Read More.

Senators Gillibrand with African American Faith Based Leaders at Her Second Annual Legislative Summit Attended by Over 170 Leaders from Across New York State