Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Update

April 15, 2010
Too many New York families are out of work and businesses are struggling. Senator Gillibrand is working in a bipartisan way to rebuild New York's economy.

Here's the latest:
News You Need To Know

Send Back Your 2010 Census Form TODAY. Make Sure You and Your Family are Counted

It’s easy and takes just a few minutes. The Census is critical for getting our fair share in federal funding to support local schools, hospitals and law enforcement. Our state missed out on $3.6 billion in federal funding because New York was severely undercounted in 2000. Make sure to return your Census form to help secure critical federal funding for our communities
. Read more.
Senator Gillibrand encouraging all New Yorkers to participate in Census 2010

Help for Small Businesses: Real Engines for Prosperity and Growth

Senator Gillibrand is committed to partnering with New York’s small businesses to get federal grants to help them prosper and grow during this difficult economic time.
Click here to find ways to get the federal funding you need.
Senator Gillibrand hears from constituents and small business owners in Corning

The Gillibrand Jobs Report

Cutting Taxes to Put New Yorkers Back to Work

It's time to focus on New Yorkers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Senator Gillibrand helped pass legislation to cut Social Security payroll taxes for businesses when they hire a worker who has been unemployed for more than 60 days, and another $1,000 tax credit when businesses keep new hires for more than one year.

Supporting Families Hit Hardest by the Bad Economy

Senator Gillibrand broke through the partisan politics in Washington to extend benefits for New Yorkers who have lost their jobs. More than half a million New Yorkers rely on those benefits to help them stay afloat and recover. Click here for more information

The Gillibrand Agenda

Bringing Fresh Food to Underserved Communities

Approximately 4 million New Yorkers live in areas known as "food desert" areas that have little to no access to fresh, nutritious foods. In partnership with First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator Gillibrand introduced new legislation to build new grocery stores, deliver fresh food to underserved areas, and create thousands of good-paying jobs in New York. Read more.
Senator Gillibrand joins NYC leaders to unveil the Fresh Food Financing Initiative

Making College Affordable for All New York Students
With student debt at an all-time high and students everywhere facing rising tuition and fees, Senator Gillibrand helped pass legislation to increase the amount of Pell Grants for nearly 70,000 eligible New York students, and open the doors of higher education to more students.
Read More.

Helping Haiti Rebuild

Senator Gillibrand recently returned from a Congressional Delegation trip to Haiti, where she visited an orphanage in Port-Au-Prince to see firsthand the devastation that young children in Haiti are living in, and develop new legislation to help Haiti rebuild. Click here for photos from Senator Gillibrand's visit to Haiti.
Senator Gillibrand visits Port-Au-Prince orphanage



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