Thursday, August 4, 2011

Supporting Local Growers and Nutritious Produce, Bringing 21st Century Technology to First Responders, Ensuring Employment Opportunities for Women and Veterans, STAND UP Act: Protecting Teen Drivers

August 4, 2011

It's been a busy summer already, as Senator Gillibrand continues to travel throughout New York State discussing proposals to create jobs and get the economy moving again. Too many New Yorkers are still out of work or worried about keeping the job they have. Senator Gillibrand is committed to working in Washington to forge solutions to the many challenges New Yorkers face.

Here are some of her latest efforts:

The Gillibrand Jobs Report

Ensuring Higher Wages and Employment Opportunities for Women 
With women still facing gender inequality in the workforce, Senator Gillibrand is pushing the Women WIN Jobs Act, which would provide women with a pathway to higher paying job fields in which they are currently underrepresented. Through a federal grant, this legislation would help women earn more and boost our nation’s economy.
Read More.

Employment for Returning Troops
With unemployment among young veterans in New York topping 13.3 percent, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is pushing the Hiring Heroes Act of 2011 legislation, which would equip troops with proper job training, and ensure more job opportunities for veterans when they return home from serving our country.
Read More.

Senator Gillibrand greets recent veterans.

News You Need to Know

Bringing 21st Century Technology to First Responders
Despite the recommendations made in the 9/11 Commission report, first responders are still operating with outdated communications technology. Senator Gillibrand is urging the passage of legislation that would allow first responders across the country to operate on the same radio frequencies and enable them to exchange critical information in real time during a crisis. Read more

Senator Gillibrand meets Rochester first responders at the Public Safety Training Facility

Supporting Local Growers and Nutritious Produce
Senator Gillibrand continues her commitment to the promotion of healthy nutrition for families and children through the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) bill. The bill would create a competitive grant program to support local growers (giving preference to farms who are operated by or employ veterans) and facilitate the delivery and distribution of nutritious, locally grown produce while connecting customers to the farmers who grow their food. 
Click here for more information. 

The Gillibrand Agenda

STAND UP Act: Protecting Teen Drivers
As a mother of two young children, Senator Gillibrand is pushing an effort to keep teens safe while driving. The STAND UP Act calls on states to implement graduated drivers license programs for teen drivers, giving them more experience behind the wheel before getting an unrestricted driver's license. The bill sets minimum standards of 16 years-old for a driver’s license, and 18 years-old for an unrestricted license to help protect our children from the number one killer of teens nationwide, car crashes. Click here for more information on Senator Gillibrand’s STAND UP Act

Senator Gillibrand and Families of Victims Promote STAND UP Act



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