Thursday, May 31, 2012

Training for the Future, Protecting New York's Auto Parts Manufacturers, Leveling the Playing Field for New York Families with Equal Pay, Keeping Interest STOCK Act Becomes Law

May 30th, 2012

With our economy still in recovery, the top priority for every New Yorker is having a job and the ability to provide for their family. Senator Gillibrand has heard the concerns of people from Long Island to Western New York and is working hard toward finding bipartisan solutions that work: solutions that will create opportunities and level the playing field for people to get back on their feet through their own hard work and policies that keep elected officials accountable to the people they serve.  

With the summer months here, Senator Gillibrand is turning up the heat on making New York a leader in job creation and is working tirelessly to strengthen our communities.

Gillibrand Jobs Agenda

Training for the Future

New York is on the cutting edge of new industries with tremendous potential for growth, yet many of these jobs are going unfilled because workers do not have the training needed for these high-skill, emerging industries. Manufacturing jobs in clean energy, computer technology, aerospace, biotechnology and other fast-growing industries often require  workers with additional post-secondary education and job training. To help ensure more New Yorkers have the necessary skills for these good-paying jobs, Senator Gillibrand announced legislation that would better prepare New York’s workforce with the training needed for jobs in growing industries. The plan focuses on strengthening job training programs at community colleges, supporting collaborative efforts among academic institutions and local businesses, providing more businesses with on-the-job training programs, while investing in workforce training programs. Click here for more information.

Protecting New York's Auto Parts Manufacturers


With close to 200 auto parts manufacturers throughout New York State employing over 16,000 people, Senator Gillibrand urged the Obama administration to protect auto parts manufacturers from unfair foreign trade practices. Currently, there is an increasing concern that China has begun to target the auto parts industry, increasing their exports by nearly 900 percent since 2000. This has caused the auto parts manufacturing industry to struggle even as U.S. auto producers begin to show signs of recovery. Senator Gillibrand urged President Obama to have the new International Trade Enforcement Center investigate Chinese subsidies for auto parts manufacturing and seek ways to remedy these unfair practices. In March, Senator Gillibrand announced new bipartisan legislation that was eventually passed into law to combat these and other unfair trade practices. In a victory for New York, the new law allows the Department of Commerce to impose duties on subsidized goods from China, providing a major roadblock to Chinese products that threaten jobs here in America. Click here for more information. 

Leveling the Playing Field for New York Families with Equal Pay

Across New York, working mothers earn 14.6 percent less than men for doing the exact same work. With our economy still recovering, over 40 percent of households statewide rely on women as the main source of income. That is why Senator Gillibrand is leading the effort to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, comprehensive legislation that would close loopholes employers use to shortchange workers, hold employers accountable for pay inequity, make it easier for workers to pursue back pay, and provide working women with access to training and other resources to help empower them to negotiate the fair paycheck that they deserve.  Click here for more information. 

Senator Gillibrand at her Women's Economic Empowerment Forum


News You Need to Know

Keeping Interest Rates on Student Loans Down

With families across the state burdened with the rising cost of education, Senator Gillibrand is urging her colleagues to work on a bipartisan solution to prevent the interest rates on Stafford Loans from doubling on July 1. If interest rates are allowed to double, approximately 7 million students will be paying nearly $1,000 more in interest every year on their student loans. This added burden is on top of the record amount of debt already confronting students when they graduate and start job hunting in a still recovering economy. This past month, Senator Gillibrand traveled around the state to hear the stories of New Yorkers who would be deeply affected by the doubling of interest rates and will continue to seek bipartisan solutions to keep interest rates right where they are. Click here for more information. Click here to watch Senator Gillibrand’s floor speech on student loan interest rates.  

Senator Gillibrand at a Senate Hearing

Gillibrand Led STOCK Act Becomes Law 

Senator Gillibrand has made government accountability and transparency a top priority since being elected. Last month, the STOCK Act, introduced by Senator Gillibrand, was signed by the President into law. The STOCK Act explicitly bars a member of Congress, their staff and all federal employees from engaging in insider trading or otherwise using nonpublic information gained through their work for their own personal benefit. The new law clarifies that this provision constitutes a sufficient basis for the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate and prosecute members of Congress engaging in insider trading, including the “tipping” of non-public information. Click here for more information. 


The Gillibrand Agenda

Cameras in the Courtroom

Senator Gillibrand believes that transparency in government should extend to the U.S. Supreme Court. Last month, Senator Gillibrand continued to build support for legislation that would authorize U.S. Supreme Court proceedings to be televised unless it was determined by a majority vote that such coverage would violate the due process rights of any party involved. Click here for more information.

Increasing Safety Measures for New Drivers

From 2005 to 2009 more than 280 New Yorkers died and over 46,000 were injured in car accidents involving 16 and 17-year-old drivers. In order to help keep New York’s teen drivers safe, Senator Gillibrand implemented important provisions to the bipartisan Senate transportation bill through her Safe Teen and Novice Driver Protection (STAND UP) Act. The new provisions added to the transportation bill through the STAND UP Act would set a national standard for states to implement Graduated Drivers License programs that prepare teens to be safer, more responsible drives. In addition to fighting for these improved safety measures to the transportation bill that passed the Senate, Senator Gillibrand urged her colleagues in the House of Representatives to follow the Senate’s lead on this important legislation.  Click here for more information. Watch video of Senator Gillibrand talking about the STAND UP Act on the Senate Floor here.

Senator Gillibrand speaking at a press conference for the STAND UP Act


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